When you think about exterior staining, what comes to your mind first? A log house? Cedar siding?
No matter what the picture looks like, exterior staining is more than just your average stain or finish.
The possibilities are endless, and the different types of colors can be both interesting and complicated.
That's why Ayala Painting takes the time to provide you with the information and resources necessary
to ensure that your exterior staining project will be done to your satisfaction and done right!
Call us today at
(302) 652-1170
for a FREE consultation.
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Contact Details
Phone: (302) 652-1170
Email: ayalapainting86@aol.com
Address: 3706 Old Capitol Trl Wilmington, DE 19808
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Our Location
State of Delaware - License No. 2008206416 | New Castle County - License No. LC4683 | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - License No. PA097078